Posted on: November 14, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1

16-Bit DPA is a double pale ale from Manhattan, Kansas’ Tallgrass Brewing Company. The beer pours with a hazy dark-yellow to orange coloration and a small amount of persistent white head; lacing is spotty. There is a great blend of hoppy and wheaty that plays out as one continues to quaff. Toastier elements are present as the 16-Bit DPA continues to warm, while the floral and citrus elements remain considerably further into the can when compared to similar types of IPAs. 16-Bit_CanIt is this hop body that will ensure that individuals are just as motivated to finish their pint can as they were to start it; 16-Bit remains robust from beginning to end.

16-Bit is a perfect beer to pair with creamy cheese and fish/fowl dishes. The crispness of this effort makes it a refreshing beer as the average nightly temperature continues to dip. Tallgrass has pegged the ABV (6.2%) of 16-Bit perfectly to impart just enough of an alcohol burn. Rather than hitting imbibers over the head with a boozy bite or a hop bomb, the different elements of 16-Bit unite to make for something that is easy to drink while having a distinct, unique sort of flavor. It is precisely this balance that would make 16-Bit a perfect introductory beer for someone that is looking to move into more hop-forward efforts.

For more information about the bevy of year-round and seasonal offerings from Tallgrass, visit their domain. Further information, including new products and events, is available from their social media accounts. We have reviewed Tallgrass’s Big RICC and Bourbon Barrel Buffalo Sweat . Keep an eye on NeuFutur Beer for our coverage of Tallgrass’s 8-Bit Pale Ale in the next few weeks.

Rating: 8.6/10

16-Bit DPA / Double Pale Ale / Tallgrass Brewing Company / 6.2% ABV / / / /

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