Posted on: November 14, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1

Based on the successes of their initial efforts in the Wild Sour Series, Bloomington, Illinois’ Destihl Brewery has continued to expand the line. We were fortunate enough to receive samples of their Lynnbrook, a Raspberry Berliner Weisse. The beer pours with a vibrant pink color and a complex nose that showcases the sharp bite of raspberries; Lynnbrook’s head sits on top of the effort for a short time before dissipating into nothingness. There is a small amount of lacing that makes its way down the glass.


The tartness of the raspberries is the dominant taste of Lynnbrook, but a good amount of malt does much to create further depth to this effort. A lactic ending provides an emphatic end to each quaff along with a slight hint of wheat and barnyard. These opposed sides have the effect of refreshing an imbiber’s palette and preparing them for additional sips of the sour. The low ABV of Lynnbrook makes this into a delightful beer that can be paired nicely with a tart salad, fish dish, or creamy cheese. The Destihl Lynnbrook has a good effervescent quality that makes the beer eminently drinkable, providing ample highlights to the citrus and berry elements prominent in this brew. For more information about the full array of Destihl year round and seasonal offerings, visit their website. Their social media profiles are good resources for learning about events and new product offerings.

We have reviewed a number of Destihl efforts in the past, including Vertex IPA and Abbey’s Single, as well as two efforts from their Wild Sour Series, the Here Gose Nothin’ and  Counter Clockweisse in NeuFutur. Keep an eye on NeuFutur Beer for coverage of Destihl’s Dubbel, Antiquity Rye Wine, and St. Dekkera Reserve: Excommunie Quatre.

Rating: 9.3/10


Destihl Lynnbrook Raspberry Berliner Weisse / 3.0% ABV / /

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