Blue Point Brewing Company’s (Long Island, NY)’s Winter Ale pours with a dark, rich brown coloration and a small amount of tannish head that disappears quickly. The initial nose of this Winter Ale is sweet, heavy with dark fruits, and with just enough grain and malt to invite imbibers in. The first pull that one will take from the Winter Ale links together brown sugar and a bit of bitterness from the hops, married together by an astringent bite from the 7.7% ABV of the brew.It is this liberal amount of malt that ensures that the flavor profile stays consistent, rather than breaking down into collection of sweeter and more bitter elements. Blue Point’s Winter Ale is only lightly carbonating, giving the effort a velvety and smooth complexion. This decision allows some of the nuanced flavors the ability to shine; nutmeg, cayenne, and caramel pop out at random times.
Blue Point’s Winter Ale would do well paired with sharper flavors of cheese, roasts, and cuisine with bold flavors. Two or three Winter Ales would be a good way to spend a night, as the deep and dense collection of flavors that are collected in this effort will keep individuals just as interested in the final swallow of the last one they drink as they were when they first cracked open this Blue Point offering.
For more information about the full array of Blue Point beers, their domain is a fully-stocked repository. The brewery maintains social media accounts which are perfect for one wanting to find out about new products and events held by Blue Point. As the winter threatens to take over, Blue Point’s Winter Ale is the perfect way to stave off the cold. Keep an eye on our beer review section for our coverage of the brewery’s Blueberry Ale and Oatmeal Stout.
Winter Ale / Blue Point Brewing Company / 7.7% ABV / / /