Smart debut track that ties together current forms of EDM, reggae, and R&B into an infectious effort. OlofePence’s heavenly vocals add to the overall instrumentation of HalfNaijaHalfCongo. The sharp and angular beat that thumps and bumps in the background provides the perfect dovetailing into the second side of the effort, Premier Gaou. While the effort concludes before the 2:30 mark, there is such a vibrancy here that fans will be permanently imprinted by this cut. OlofePence’s initial effort is one of the strongest debuts since Akon’s Locked Up or The Streets’ Has It Come to This. We expect big things from OlofePence.
OlofePence – HalfNaijaHalfCongo/Premier Gaou / 2016 Self / https://twitter.com/Olofepence / https://www.instagram.com/olofepence/