Posted on: October 8, 2017 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Almost Everywhere’s Survival starts out in a very sedate and soft fashion before moving into a hard-hitting EDM that pushes the vocal and instrumental sides to an entirely higher plateau. The atmospheric vocals pull double duty in that they both contribute a narrative as well as build upon the harmonies that are established. The arrangements tie together a number of distinct dance styles and approach. This means that alongside the overall EDM / style, there are nods to trance, house, and even a bit of emo and world music. Eclectic and without any easy comparison, what Survival succeeds on is Almost Everywhere’s raw ability.  The clap track and piano that bridges the gap between the quiet to the more electronic, “loud” side of Survival is one of those little touches that one may miss if they are only passively listening to the single. However, it truly is the lynch pin for the single, an absolutely vital inclusion that makes the track work.

This could be a needlessly muddled track, but the impression that one gets as they continue to listen to the song is that each and every note and approach is there for a distinct reason. It is this “Everything has its place” sound that makes this into such a fulfilling work. One could listen to Survival numerous times and continue to hear new twists and turns; one has to wonder precisely how Almost Everywhere is going to build upon this effort. The one thing that we do know is that we will eagerly listen to anything that is to follow.

Rating: 8.7/10

Almost Everywhere – Survival / 2017 Self Released / 4:07 / /

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