A digital translation of a classic board game, Asmodee Digital’s Mysterium is a must-buy for anyone that is a fan of the physical game. The company has made a tittle that is bright, vibrant, and engrossing. Visual elements (animations, sound) are a nice touch to the game, with great enough depth to stay fresh after a number of games. The only issue that we experienced was the scrolling aspect; while it is a hard choice for the designers to have all the cards rendered visibly, it does take a minute to figure out what is going on.
The ability to go cross-platform for games of Mysterium ensures that the user base is large as possible. The additional game mode adds different strategies into the mix. There are further expansions (available now and in the future should sales require it) that are available form the game shop, which may be even better than having physical expansions. I always run into issues finding every card and inclusion that a company presents with expansions, so being able to always “have” the content keeps an individual interested in the game for as long as possible.
A set of leaderboards provide additional incentive to play beyond single games of the title, while individuals that wish to hone their skills can play against AI opponents. The ability of these AI opponents to play at a proper level to one’s skill makes for fun rather than infuriating matches.
Mysterium is available from the Steam store for $9.99. Asmodee has been proactive in addressing any issues that have arisen with the public roll-out of the title. Beyond being available on Steam / PCs, Mysterium is also offered on iOS and Android stores. Pick it up if you are a fan of Clue/mystery-themed board games.
Rating: 8.4/10
Mysterium (PC) / https://www.facebook.com/AsmodeeDigital/ / https://twitter.com/asmodeena