Posted on: March 20, 2018 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Nick Lamb is able to make a frontward-facing, stripped down rock track in Gettin’ High Off Of You that has a good amount of the punk of early Goo Goo Dolls, The Descendants, and the Replacements. With little more needed than a guitar, drums, and Nick’s vocals, this effort is able to make an indelible mark on anyone listening in. The sizzling guitar work that is inserted into this single builds off of the tradition of SoCal punk acts like Unwritten Law and The Vandals. At a hair over the three minute mark, this track leaves as quickly as it began; Nick Lamb has a bonefide hit on his hands with this one.

With nods to alternative rock and even a bit of jam music through the interactions of these instruments, Nick is able to keep listeners on their feet and eagerly anticipating more.

Simple Man, the B-Side to Gettin’ High Off You, is a much slower and introspective effort. Armed with little more than a guitar, Nick Lamb is able to tell a rich story. The bit of melody that is contributed by Lamb’s vocals ensures that the replay value of this single is high. The track’s longer run time goes by quickly, as there is a surprisingly deep set of interactions that are cultivated throughout. Lamb is a master of making a small array of instruments sound loud, permanently imprinting their melodies deep into the psyche of listeners.

Taken together, these effort provide listeners with a semblance of who Lamb is and the type of music that he will craft for the follow up to these singles. Check out Gettin’ High Off You below the jump, while listeners can find out more information about Nick at the linked website.

Nick Lamb – Gettin’ High Off You, Simple Man / 2018 Self Released / SoundCloud

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