Posted on: June 5, 2018 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Ever since 5th grade, you have been taught some specific things about smoking, drugs, and alcohol. Most likely these substances have been presented as evil things for you. Growing up, drug dealers and people with a bottle in their hand were painted like scary monsters. While overuse or addiction to any of these substances is vastly unhealthy, moderation may not be as terrible as you’ve always believed. There are dangers to smoking and drinking, but becoming educated about these risks will help you gauge for yourself. Scare tactics work for only so long; eventually you have to make an educated decision for yourself. So we ask the question — what are the real dangers of drinking and smoking? Some of the answers might surprise you, while others are exactly as harmful as your teachers implied.


Cigarettes or Vaping


For the longest time smoking cigarettes was a common hobby in the United States. But over the past few decades, scientists have been sharing their findings on how smoking cigarettes can affect your health. The facts about smoking are staggering. Approximately one out of five deaths are caused by the effects of smoking. You have a much greater risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disorders. Not to mention daily activities become more challenging for you to maintain your breath and how your clothes and home will never be free of a cigarette smell. A cigarette or a cigar here or there won’t put you at a great risk, but an addiction to nicotine will keep you coming back for more. Be wary of this.


Cigarettes themselves may be detrimental to your health, but that doesn’t mean the calming effects of smoking have to be cut from your life. Many individuals who once prefered cigarettes are turning to e-cigarettes and a new habit known as vaping. Vaping gives you a hit of nicotine without the toxic inhalants of a cigarette. Vaping also gives you the chance for a more varied smoking experience. You can search online for the best e juice and fill your vape with multiple different flavors. Plus the smell won’t infiltrate your home or disturb others around you nearly as much as smoke. The risks of secondhand smoking are much greater than secondhand vaping.


While experts still advise to stay away from nicotine as much as possible, there are newer options that somewhat mediate the risk. Also, be aware that your decisions can affect those around you. Secondhand smoke is a real thing and can affect anyone in your vicinity, especially children. Personal Lawyers in Vancouver could even make a case for someone diagnosed with lung cancer after experiencing large amounts of secondhand smoke. Be aware of your decision, and the vast consequences (positive or negative) that will result.




Cigarettes are legal in the United States to be purchased by individuals over the age of 18. However, a commonly used drug, marijuana (weed, pot, etc.), is only legal in certain states. Weed can take many forms, some of which are smoked or eaten. Smoking marijuana has similar effects to smoking cigarettes, just without the harmful nicotine. The substance itself is not addictive, just the feeling of being high.


There are negative consequences of smoking pot, but they are not nearly as detrimental as you may have believed. It is virtually impossible to die from an overdose of marijuana. And while there are cases where smoking pot cause brain damage, overall the effects to your health may actually be positive ones. For individuals suffering from anxiety or a chronic pain disorder, marijuana and cannabis oil can actual calm these conditions. This being said, any drug is an inhibitor. Being under the influence of anything will change your judgment and your perception of what is happening around you. Be aware of what you can and cannot do in this state. As long as you stay safe in that regard, you should be fine. Overall, there is an extremely negative stereotype associated with weed users, when the harmful effects are fewer than most addictive substances.




Another legal substance for individuals 21 and over in the United States is alcohol. Remember being under 21 and overly eager to walk into a liquor store and buy a case of beer? It almost feels like an important rite of passage for anyone. Alcohol has become a social drink, and can easily be enjoyed without danger in moderation. Like so many other substances, the trouble comes when you overindulge.


Alcohol poisoning and binge drinking are two problems plaguing our society. Many people don’t understand how serious it can be to drink too much. Too much of alcohol can raise your heart rate and also affect your liver. This can happen when you consume an unreasonable amount of alcohol. One or two drinks, will not cause these sorts of dangerous side effects. Feeling drunk may inhibit your judgement, however, so be wary of the tasks you attempt after drinking. The best time to text your secret crush may not be immediately after downing a few beers.


One of the biggest dangers associated with alcohol is driving drunk. This is a serious offense that can land you with a serious fine and even jail time, not to mention the amount of individuals who die every year in crashes caused by a drunk driver. Driving distracted at all is an incredibly dangerous thing; most alcohol distributors release similar warnings not to text and drive,. Always go out with a designated driver, and never get behind the wheel of a car if you feel intoxicated. A $40 cab ride may feel expensive at the time, but it is cheaper than a huge fine and definitely less costly than your life.


Most Things Are Okay in Moderation


If you are of age, you acquire the responsibility to keep yourself and others safe, but you also have the ability to indulge in some fun. Enjoying an occasional night of drinking with friends is not a bad thing. Being passed out drunk on the floor every weekend may not be as healthy. Letting loose and smoking a joint every once in the while (in a state where it is legal!) may make you feel relaxed. You are an adult and you are allowed to make your own decisions without being afraid- as long as you understand the pros and cons of your decisions.

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