Multiple health benefits that people derive from CBD Oil is the prime reason for the growing popularity of the herbal compound obtained from hemp and cannabis. For many people, CBD is a wonder drug that has miraculous powers in curing a variety of ailments for which traditional medical treatment has no answer. Despite having close links with marijuana concerning its origin, CBD oil is entirely different, and medical marijuana seems to be the appropriate name for it. There must not be any doubt about the legality of CBD because all 50 states welcome it with open arms for both private use and medical purposes. Despite the popularity of CDB, the awareness level about it is still quite low. Only about 5 % of the American population is aware of the medical benefits of CBD because it is still an unregulated product out of the purview of FDA.
CBD oil is all set to give a new face to cannabis that had earned an ill reputation due to the recreational use of marijuana. While the debate about legalizing the use of marijuana is blowing across the USA, CBD oil has made inroads in medical treatment and proved useful in providing relief from several ailments. Besides some common ailments like pain, anxiety, insomnia, and depression, many serious illnesses like cancer, cardiovascular disease, and Parkinson’s disease have a specific cure available by using Bluebird Botanicals, a brand of CBD. The list is so long that it could cover an entire page. We recommend for everything concerning these products. There is enough evidence available in support of claims of CBD acting as a potential neuroprotective agent and in this article, we will explore this aspect in more detail.
Cannabidiol or CBD is not THC
THC present in marijuana is a psychoactive agent that facilitates the release of the chemical dopamine in the brain that produces ‘high’ by creating a mind-altering state. It will not be wrong to say that marijuana is so much appealing to pleasure seekers because of THC that can bond with CB1 and CB2, the primary cannabinoid receptors in the nervous system of humans.
CBD behaves differently as it bypasses both CB1 and CB2 and interacts with the affected tissue or with a hypothetical cannabinoid receptor that specifically pairs with CBD. It is possible that some amount of THC might be present is CBD, but the THC content in CBD is either very low that makes it safe and legal or it is absent.
CBD is neuroprotective
The term ‘neuroprotective’ needs some explanation as we try to understand the powers of CBD in healing some neurological conditions. A substance or a treatment is deemed as neuroprotective if it can either protect the nervous system from diseases or cure some disease that affects it. Among different types of cannabinoids available that act as powerful neuro protecting agents, CBD seems to be most potent for the treatment of epilepsy, schizophrenia, dementia and other forms of neurodegenerative disorders and psychosis.
Considering that CBD is neuroprotective, the benefits that you could derive from it would go much beyond the scope of treatment. CBD is excellent in soothing the nervous system that provides relief for those suffering from anxiety-related disorders. It becomes a lifesaver for those suffering from neurological diseases of more severe types.
CBD can treat cognitive impairment
Almost all kinds of neurological conditions have effects of some types of cognition, and it will be a mistake to surmise that cognitive impairment arises from Alzheimer’s disease only. While the debate still goes on about the efficacy of CBD in boosting brainpower and treating cognitive impairment effectively, researchers have been able to reach a consensus about the positive effects of CBD in providing neuroprotection. Reports from the preliminary researches have indicated that there are high possibilities of CBD being a cure for cognitive impairment. However, it needs further research to establish the facts with more conviction.
Cannabinoids have neuroprotective properties
Cannabinoids available from the cannabis plant have shown enormous potential in promoting brain cell growth and protecting neurons in the brain. This is particularly evident in people who have suffered an ischemic stroke or severe brain damage. Cannabis can help to manage better the after effects of such damaging and disruptive injury to the brain. The neuroprotective properties of cannabinoids provide the protection necessary to prevent damages to the brain. A lot of research is going on to understand the powers of CBD in protecting the brain and the trends that are a currently available point to optimistic results that could change the ways of treatment for neurological disorders concerning the brain.
CBD for brain health
The brain receives 15 -20 percent of blood supply and any hindrance to it can cause severe brain damage. The neuron cells of the brain survive on the blood supply, and if cut off, the neurons would die. Blood constriction and inflammation are the secondary effects of brain damage, and it could take some weeks for it to develop fully. Restricted blood flow and inflammation deprive the brain from receiving nutrients and oxygen. There is evidence available that after a stroke happens CBD has helped to reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to the brain thereby preventing further damage.
Fighting Alzheimer’s disease with CBD
Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease that aggravates due to the inflammation in the brain. The nerve cells of older people generate toxic proteins related to ageing, and this signals the development of the disease. THC is effective in removing these dangerous markers, and cannabinoids like CBD can be very useful in removing the danger signs.
There is no reason to doubt the effects of CBD, which is far from being a placebo. That CBD works to protect the brain is a fact but to know how correctly it works, it requires more research to discover the scientific explanation for it. Numerous studies have shown that CBD is a potent anti-inflammatory agent that has the powers of healing brain damages arising from injuries due to accidents or diseases.