Posted on: December 19, 2018 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Bicycles pretty much have the same objective no matter what type it is. Take you from point A to point B. However if we dig deep into it, especially if you’re becoming more than a beginner in cycling, there are many different factors to it. There are actually different types of bicycles depending on your cycling needs AND what type of person you are physically. Whether you’re into races, cycling tricks or speed control; there’s something out there.

Here are the three main points that need to be tackled when choosing the right kind of bicycle for your needs:

1. Type of Bicycle

You know what type of bicycle to buy by knowing where you’ll be cycling exactly. Will you be around the neighbourhood for casual cycling or do you want to one for intense off road cycling? Some bicycles are made specifically for a certain kind of surface. However it could be changed if you just changed the tires but that’s not guaranteed, that’s why you need to make sure what your preferred type will be. Here’s a quick breakdown of the 4 types:

  • Mountain Bike – Off road use but can be used on the pavement
  • Road Bike – Pavement use & built for speed
  • Hybrid Bike – Between mountain and road bikes.
  • Cruisers – Casual bikes

2. Bike Features vs Price

After you’ve settled on the type of bike you need, you look for the added features you need. Wheel size, brakes, frame materials, suspension, handlebars, gears and quality of materials. You can add as many components as you want with this cycle store depending on the type of bike! Road bikes will be better for speed but can be expensive depending on how much you’re willing to spend. With cruiser bikes you can add accessories like saddle bags or front/back baskets. What’ll be the most important feature for you no matter what bicycle type you’re purchasing will probably be the wheel size. Proper wheel size not only affects performance and comfort but also plays a role in safety. For instance, choosing the right wheel size can help reduce the risk of a bicycle accident injury by improving stability and handling. Here’s a quick overview on the wheel sizes:

  • 700c – Standard size of road and hybrid bikes
  • 650c – For slightly shorter person
  • 26 in – Standard size of adult mountain bikes
  • 16 & 12 in – Bikes for young kids

3. Bike Fit

Finally, the very last step would be to make sure it fits you. Bikes come in shapes and sizes, just like humans! A great sum of manufacturers have height ranges for each bike size chart that help in choosing a suitable one for you. We recommend a test ride before your final purchase to make sure you feel comfortable when you’re on the go. Some shops offer mountain bike test trails to test out off road bikes as well.

Cycle Away!

Discussing cycling for beginners, it’ll probably be much easier to purchase a bicycle but always go for a professionally built bicycle to avoid any sudden issues in the bike. Professional bike shops usually ensure that your purchased bike have properly aligned wheels and that your bike is properly tuned as well. If you’re an expert ad you’re looking for a more professionally assembled bike purchase, make sure that every component is of high quality when making your purchase. Your best option is to have a full guarantee for a few years just to make sure you’ll be covered in any sudden condition that may happen. Have a safe ride!

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