Posted on: April 18, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

You love your dog to the moon and back, and you are so concerned about its neatness that you always take him/her for professional grooming after every while. Why don’t you groom your dog at home and spend that money on dog food instead? Besides, dogs have been killed and injured in those grooming facilities while some have escaped never to be found. Your dog’s safety should be a priority. Moreover, keeping your dog relaxed during the grooming sessions is another thing you may be worried about but there are various products by CBD for dogs which can be quite helpful in this regard. If you now believe it’s better to groom your dog at home, here are five tips to help you.

  1. Groom Often

Supposedly you have a long hair, and you fail to wash it for weeks or months, you could have problems with the skin underneath. It’s the same case with dogs. If you forget to clean your dog for a long time, your dog might develop skin conditions and painful mats, but you will not notice right away.

Brush your dog at least once a week and trim the nails often. Overgrown nails can be stressful or uncomfortable for your pup. You can book dog grooming with Wag Hotels who offer the best pet care.

  • Stay ahead of Hair Mats

Matted hair can pull your dog’s skin and cause pain and irritation. Older dogs cannot stretch towards hard-to-reach places easily, and they require more care. Matted hair also makes it hard for your dog to stay warm in the night or during the cold season and therefore lacks comfort.

Never remove mats using scissors since it can accidentally cut your dog’s skin and hurt the pet. If the mats are too small, hold the hair in the middle of the skin and mat gently to avoid pulling of hair from the skin. For larger mats, your dog will need sedation, and therefore they should be taken to the groomer or veterinarian. But using CBD dog treats or CBD oil can also be a good option as they have natural calming properties and helps your dog to relax without any sedatives, so it will be an easier job for the groomer if the dog is relaxed.

  • Give Them a Bath

Yes, even dogs deserve a bath, and you can wash them without them barking. You have to prepare all the supplies like towels, shampoo, basin, etc. Arm yourself with treats and patience. Place him/her in a basin with lukewarm water slightly under the belly. The smaller the dog, the less lukewarm the water should be and vice versa.

Use a cup to pour water on them or use a spray nozzle. Once the hair is wet, pour some shampoo and lather up. Ensure that it’s a pet shampoo and not a human one. Avoid using the shampoo on his/her face, nose, or eyes. Also, avoid splashing on the face while rinsing the dog. Rinse everywhere including underneath and the feet.

  • Use Clippers

Use clippers on your dog’s coat to trim the hair uniformly. Find clippers with most positive reviews online and ensure they are of high-quality. You will have to attach the clippers to a snap-on comb. The comb helps to initiate a smooth and even finish. It also prevents you from trimming too much and cutting your dog’s skin.

When clipping ensure your other hand is on the dog throughout the session. Run the clippers downwards while you hold the skin to prevent the skin from folding and making the coat look lumpy. Don’t forget to clip the legs and under the belly.

  • Understand Your Limits

Even after your best efforts, your dog might refuse to stay calm or stand still during grooming. It’s very normal for a dog to act this way and you shouldn’t take it personal. If it happens, it’s best to grab your phone and call for backup.

You can ask your friend or neighbor to help you during grooming or ask your vet to suggest natural calming supplements. If your dog is a bit restless whenever you want to trim its nails, don’t force it. Again, call the vet and ask for assistance.


You are your dog’s biggest protector. You share a bond, and they feel safer when they are with you. By being a confident and careful groomer, you save your dog from injuries, and you also get to have an up-close session with your pup. A clean dog is a healthy and playful dog! Groom yours. Take a look at our how-to articles and recommended grooming products here at

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