Posted on: April 9, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Maintaining a healthy smile doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, most of us are already doing what we should in our daily routines. However, we may not be doing enough.

Are you brushing for the right amount of time? In the correct places? Changing out your toothbrush? How about flossing? Or getting regular checkups? These are things we know to do but might get a little lazy on.

Keep reading to refresh your knowledge, on the best ways to get that white, vibrant smile.

1. Brushing Properly

We all know that it is important to brush our teeth. However, most people may not brush correctly. It is important to brush your teeth two to three times a day, best done after a meal.

Brush for a full two minutes each time and also make sure to brush your gums, behind your teeth, and even your tongue.

You also want to pick the right brush for your teeth. Sometimes people only brush for one minute because they notice their gums hurt from the hard bristles.

Lastly, change the brush out at least every 6 months. Having an old toothbrush will have built up residue on it and won’t be giving your teeth as good of a clean as you would like.

2. Floss Daily

When it comes to the dental routine, floss got the short end of the stick. We all know how to brush our teeth, but floss seems to only come out of the cupboard once you schedule that next dental appointment.

Floss helps kill the germs that get stuck between our teeth, and can mean the difference between that “just okay” smile, and that “wow, so white” smile.

Next time you are brushing your teeth, try to have that floss in eyesight so you won’t forget about it. Floss after each brushing, or at least once a day.

3. Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash is one of those things some people do, but most don’t particularly think about. But it is a good 30-second routine to add into your day. Killing most of the bacteria your toothbrush and floss couldn’t get.

4. Drink a Ton of Water

Drinking water is one of the best ways to flush out the residue and sugar from foods and drinks that can cause tooth decay. Having a lot of water also helps your body produce more saliva, which is also beneficial for your teeth and overall dental health.

5. Visit the Dentist Regularly

Going to the dentist doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Think of it as a get out of jail free card from work or school for a few hours. It’s good to go see a dentist every six months for a checkup. This can mean anything from getting regular hygiene sessions to even oral cancer screenings, as mentioned on the blog article Dental Treatments London. Don’t miss your next appointment just because you don’t think you have enough time, or because you hate the dentist. You owe it to your teeth.

Now that your dental knowledge is back up to par, we hope you will get that whiter, brighter smile in no time. All you have to do is brush a little longer, bring out that floss, add in some mouthwash, drink more water and stop avoiding the dentist. All in all, a pretty easy routine to keep all of your teeth in top shape.

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