Posted on: May 8, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

When you quit an addiction, you will do anything possible to remain sober and to avoid a relapse. You might think that a relapse is the last thing that will happen to you, but it is very common. A relapse starts way before you pick up that drug. It might sneak up on you, and you might not notice the warning signs early enough. To aid your sobriety journey, you need to change your routine and pick up new activities. You will have higher chances of relapsing if you maintain your old habits and routines. Below are some things that you can do, that will help you remain sober.

Make changes

When trying to remain sober, it is important that you change habits, hangouts, and routines. The most immediate change you will need to make is not hanging out with people you did drugs with or those who sold you drugs. Make new friends. Spend more time with your family and people who are supporting you in your recovery journey. You can plan group activities with the entire family. This will help you adapt to a healthier lifestyle. You can also structure a daily or weekly schedule to help you attain your goals. Make sure you stick to the schedule.

Clean garbage from the past

Most recovering addicts have caused a lot of pain in the past. There are things that they have done in the past that cause feelings of guilt and shame. These feelings can be toxic when you are trying to remain sober. If not properly dealt with, they could cause a relapse. There are probably relationships that you destroyed in the past. It would be wise to make things right, for your peace of mind. Take the necessary steps. Clean up the mess and commit to begin living responsibly.

Be physically active

If you were addicted to drugs for a long time, it is likely that your general health was affected. You are probably not in good physical shape. Exercise reduces stress, which happens to be a key trigger for relapse. Boredom, another relapse trigger, can also be reduced by exercise. Engage in physical exercise to bring back balance into your life. Couple this with a healthy diet. Your health will improve. You will also look and feel better.

Create a healthy and meaningful relationships

When you were an addict your drug of choice was probably your best friend. It messed you up, you had to get professional help and you understand what is drug rehab like. You acknowledge that your unhealthy relationships might have contributed to your addiction. As a sober person, you may discover that your past relationships were toxic and unhealthy. Any family member, colleagues, or friends, might have been triggers. To remain sober and prevent a relapse, make new friends and create healthier relationships. If you are having challenges developing new friendships, join a support group.

Find a tool in which you will be both emotionally and physically invested, but will also contribute to your recovery journey. If you get something that you thoroughly enjoy doing, it will be a plus for you. Remain committed to the course and watch yourself get back on track and remain on track, completely.

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