Posted on: November 15, 2019 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 2

On Worse or for Better, The Sarandons are able to create an easy-going sort of rock that touches upon the work of America and John Denver as well as 1990s-alternative acts liker Jellyfish and the Counting Crows. Booming instrumentation, fuzzy guitars, and splashy guitars unite to make for a dense, thrushy backing upon which the vocals can shines. With just a hint of grit present, these vocals are able to elicit a bevy of emotions whiler fans are taken along for a ride. Together, these two elements combine to make for something special; with a gradual increase to song’s momentum, The Sarandons ensure that Worse or for Better will bounce around listeners’ heads for months to come.

The Sarandons – ‘Worse or for Better’ / Domain / Facebook /

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