Posted on: January 17, 2020 Posted by: David Rangel Comments: 0

Everyone who knows how brilliantly addictive digiscoping is, knows that impressing their friends with the best tricks possible is everything in this life. Fortunately, we know everything there is to know about digiscoping trends – and how you can master your art. Join us, as we recount some of the best tricks to help you master digiscoping… what have you got to lose but inexperience?

Learning to Digiscope

Digiscoping for beginners can be daunting. As long as you enjoy the hobby, you should practice taking better and better shots. You know what they say: practice makes perfect! Although we think a few of our top-notch Digiscoping adapters help, too!

For those who are completely new to the craft: digiscoping is the art of taking close up photographs – usually of wildlife – from a safe distance. This is perfect for the likes of bird watchers since it means you can be far enough away to not scare the bird and still get the shot. A top-of-the-range camera can do similar things with a zoom – but not everyone has one of those.

You can practice digiscoping with either a Smartphone or a DLSR camera, as long as you have the means to mount the lens and camera together… this is why you need an adapter to get the best photographs.

Tips and Tricks for Diligent Digiscoping

Here are our favorite little tips and tricks for making the most of digiscoping photographs…

The sturdier the Tripod – the Better!

Light tripods rock in high winds. You can pick one up for a tenner, but it won’t last long and might move around to ruin your shot. Both your digiscoping adapters and your tripods need to be as stable as possible if you want to take consistently clear shots[1].

No Hands!

Even pushing the button on your camera or touching your phone screen to take the shot creates movement. It is always enough to fluff up a super-close shot. Even walking past a lightweight tripod is enough vibration to blur. If you want to keep it clean using a remote control (or self-timer) if you can. It’s not always possible but it does give you the best chance at clarity.

Shutter Speed Up

The length of two things matter here. One is your exposure, two is your shutter speed. Arguably, you can’t get one without the other. Keep a clean digiscoping photograph by turning the shutter speed way up. The longer the shutter is open, the more chance there is of a blur.

Can’t get Rid of that Blur?

Zoom your focus all the way in as far as possible, then slowly pull back out again. Eventually you will hit the sweet spot. They use this trick in filming TV!

Further Digiscoping Help

If you are truly struggling to set up your digiscoping gear then see this article, by pro bird spotter Richard Ford. It talks you through everything from your setup and the equipment you need; to how to take the perfect shot.

Digiscoping is a wonderful pastime but it can be difficult for the novice photographer. Luckily, the only difference between an amateur and a professional is a lot of practice. Give it a go, don’t give up, and we are positive you will produce the perfect photo one day!


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