Posted on: May 19, 2020 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Traveling for the purposes of vacation is good for your health and can even lower the risk of of cardiovascular disease by up to 32%. However, if you are pregnant, have any existing health conditions or issues with mobility, it is important to consult with your doctor and take any precautions necessary to manage your condition before traveling. This will avoid increasing the chance of becoming ill on holiday or incurring any unforeseen medical expenses.

Make Sure You Are Covered

Some people mistakenly believe that their domestic health insurance or Medicare will cover them abroad but this is not the case. Nearly 30 million Americans traveled internationally last year, and 40% of them were planning on taking out travel insurance. After reimbursement of costs, the main reason for taking out a policy was concern for personal and family health and well-being. Since emergency situations can arise no matter what your health needs, taking out insurance is one of the ways to ensure safe and relaxing travel while pregnant or experiencing issues with your health.

Bring Comfort Items

Being pregnant while traveling is challenging as it is, and most women experience edema or swelling in the face, hands, legs, ankles, and feet. While this is normal during this period, there are many ways to manage the swelling while pregnant. If you must sit for long periods in the plane, make sure to move around the cabin from time to time to encourage blood circulation. Another way that can help is to wear a pair of compression garments with comfy shoes to help prevent any discomfort. Make sure to drink lots of fluids during the travel as well.

Take Sufficient Medication

A least a month before you are thinking of going abroad, see your doctor for confirmation that you are fit to travel, and ask about any specific risks. The safest time to travel long distance when pregnant is during the second trimester but by the third trimester, it is advisable to stay a little closer to home, in case any problems arise. You will need to make sure that you take enough medication for chronic conditions to last for the whole trip, and a little extra in case of delays. Be aware that, although prescribed and licensed in the US, some medicines may not be considered legal in other countries, so check the regulations before you go.

Traveling With a Wheelchair

According to the Department of Transportation, nearly 12% of people with disabilities use a wheelchair. If you use a battery-powered wheelchair, you will need to get to the airport at least one hour before the normal check-in time. Even if you don’t normally use a wheelchair, the idea of navigating long walkways between terminals if you are experiencing chronic fatigue or are in the last trimester of pregnancy can be daunting. However, as long as you put in a request 48 hour in advance, most airlines will happily provide a wheelchair for use in the airport.

Once preparations and practical issues are taken into account and dealt with, you can relax and enjoy a trouble-free journey. You’ll reach your destination refreshed, ready to enjoy the rest of your holiday and all the health benefits that it can offer.

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