Posted on: September 25, 2020 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Call Me Hazy pours with a straw colored yellow color and about a pinky’s worth of white foam and laces itself down the way of the glass. The nose does not provide imbibers with much in the way of hints about what is to come, aside from the briefest touch of wheat and fruity (citrus) elements. When one is actually able to take their first draw from the can, they will be hit with a strong bitterness reminiscent of the West Coast IPA style of the 1990s and early 2000s. After that calms down a bit, Call Me Hazy is able to settle in with sweeter notes. More flavors join the party with each subsequent sip. There are notes of lemon, grapefruit, and even mandarin orange that join the party soon after.

The 7.5% ABV does a ton in keeping the overall constellation of flavors remarkably sharp throughout the entirety of the beer. The hazy IPAs have a tendency to fall in a bit upon themselves as they gradually warm to room temperature. The “Tropical IPA” tag really fits Call Me Hazy here as it does not neatly fall into the constraints of the hazy style, nor does it hit all of the traditional highlights of the tried-and-true India Pale Ale approach. What ends up occurring here is one of the smoothest and (somewhat paradoxically) most assertive ales we’ve tasted so far in 2020. Take every step that you need to search out cans of this brew.

We’ve previously covered Perrin’s Apricot Sour and Blonde Porter in the course of the last few years. Check out Perrin Brewing’s domain and social media profiles about their full run of year-round and seasonal offerings.

Call Me Hazy (Perrin Brewing) / 7.5% ABV / / /

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