Posted on: September 16, 2020 Posted by: Kim Muncie Comments: 0

There is increasing interest in expanding the purview of what we deem possible in business/corporate design. The ever-expanding range of commercial possibilities thanks to the evolution of technology, among other elements, underline the demands on today’s business leadership to remain innovate or risk obscurity in the modern marketplace. Daniel Bruder’s 360 degree approach to the issue of business leadership today emerges with unquestionable detail in the book The Blendification System: Achieving Potential by Connecting Culture, Strategy, and Execution provides those interested in exploring new ground a detailed and comprehensible roadmap capable of leading men and women into the future.

Constructing a system where business success relies on connections between team forums, the surrounding community, internal peer groups, and technology. The importance of internal peer groups is obvious. This lays out a “safe” arena for the airing of grievances and both personal and professional accountability between co-workers. Any company hoping for long term success will recognize the importance of maintaining a positive image in the communities where they are located, and team forums offer a creative stage for the exchange of ideas as well as reinforcing the accountability provided by internal peer groups. Establishing ongoing synergy between these areas and ever-changing technological advances is a challenge for any corporate animal, but Bruder’s system reveals it is possible.


The book may prove a little terminology heavy for some readers who prefer a less “wonky” take on the subject. This aspect of Bruder’s compositional manner is, undoubtedly, a product of his academic training and his penchant for objective writing. Despite the objective tone of the text, Bruder does incorporate significant parts of his personality into the book though never in a false or gimmicky fashion. His message is, at its heart, about empowerment – empowering, in this case, your business to reach its fullest potential.

There is a certain amount of stiffness in the prose. Bruder is not an experienced professional author and there is a detectable amount of self-consciousness in the writing, though his confidence in the system never flags. It is not a mammoth flaw in the book. Instead, it is an expected one and Bruder and his readers alike are fortunate considerable sections of the book generate enough energy thanks to his aforementioned confidence they overcome even a hint of authorial hesitancy.

Despite challenges of many kinds facing our world today, we live in an era of intense creativity. Many companies are pushing against the borders of the possible each day and they are equipped for such efforts thanks to theories about management and inter-connections seldom entertained even a quarter century ago. Books such as The Blendification System: Achieving Potential by Connecting Culture, Strategy, and Execution present blueprints for such transformative thinking. Daniel Bruder’s considerable experience in business culture and his talent for moving outside the lines allows him a degree of latitude in envisioning a new frontier. His book brings that to readers in a way applicable to locally owned operations and corporate giants alike and will not soon date.

by Joshua Beach posted by Kim Muncie

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