Posted on: November 24, 2020 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Zachary Kibbee has so much emotion that is packed into each note on his latest track, Don’t Fade Away. Little more is needed in this performance than Kibbee and his guitar. Each note is absolutely vital here in creating something engrossing, adopting hints of blues, surf, and mid-1990s alternative. The richness of this recording really allows his honestness and earnestness to shine through. While the track ends before the four-minute mark, Kibbee is able to reside in listeners brains for days after they hear Don’t Fade Away once. Here’s to hoping that Kibbee is able to continue to impress with the follow-up to his 2020 LP Life in Low Fidelity.

Zachary Kibbee – “Don’t Fade Away” / Facebook /

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