Posted on: August 16, 2021 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

The globe is full of dreamers and explorers searching for their next big adventure. For those of us that live in the U.S., we’re lucky to have abundant opportunities for new experiences overseas and also right here in our own backyard. 

But the reality is that traditional trip planning methods, like brick-and-mortar travel planning agencies, have become a thing of the past. You’ll need to get creative to ensure you make the most of your upcoming trip. Here are four clever ways to explore a new city that they won’t tell you at the travel agency.

1. Take a Ghostly Walking Tour  

While the idea of a walking tour may not sound all that revolutionary, you’ll need to dig a bit deeper to have a truly unique experience. Most major cities have city center tours to talk about historical buildings and architecture. But if that’s not your thing, don’t rule out group tours entirely! 

Feeling a little spooky? In hundreds of cities across the globe, you can go on ghost adventures and learn the hidden secrets of a city’s darker past. There are even tours dedicated to infamous serial killers! No matter your cup of tea, you can find a guided adventure to fit the bill.

2. Get Lost to Find Your Way

Most travel is not like you see in action movies. If you get a little turned around in an unknown city, you’ll most likely be just fine as long as you are aware of your surroundings, walk with confidence, and stay in heavily populated areas. 

Getting a little lost can be an incredible way to get to find your way around a new city! You’ll wander down streets that you never would have thought to because they aren’t leading you anywhere specific. This meandering approach can draw you out of the more touristy areas and give you a taste of what life is like for the average local. 

Still a little scared of getting lost? For an extra layer of security if traveling overseas, register your trip with the U.S. State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program before you go.

3. Talk to Strangers

In 2019, U.S. travelers spent $972 billion on domestic travelalone. But are people getting the most bang for all this buck? If you really want to know a place, go where the locals go. 

While traveling, if you have the opportunity to spark up a conversation with a local, or even another traveler, do so! Ask them about their experience being there and listen to any recommendations they may have for your stay in the city. Locals love to talk about the city they love, and they want you to take home great memories of that special place.

Feeling really adventurous? Try couchsurfing or staying at a local hostel during your travels! The laid-back approach is a fantastic way to meet locals, get one-of-a-kind recommendations, and save money while doing it. 

4. Turn to Social Media for Inspiration 

Lifestyle and travel influencers are all over social media these days. When planning a trip, search Instagram for travelers who have recently visited the places you have booked. You can hear about their experience, heed any advice or warnings they have to offer, and get great tips about cafés and sights to visit while you’re there!

Start Exploring

With so many incredibly unique ways to explore, you never have to leave a new city unsatisfied. Find your niche and craft the perfect vacation around your specific interests using some of these tips. You’re bound to take home memories, and perhaps a few souvenirs, you can cherish for years to come.

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