Posted on: August 16, 2021 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

5 Electrical Safety Measures You Should Know

While dealing with electricity, safety should be a top priority. We presumably tell our kids not to put their fingers or any metal object in the outlets and to keep their gadgets out of the water. Aside from these basic safety precautions, few people are aware of how to securely operate their electrical system. 

To determine whether their current electrical problem is a safety hazard or not, they may need to conduct an extensive investigation. It’s vital to keep oneself aware of a few basic system safety procedures. 

Whether the electrical system deals with your house or business, safety measures are the same. Hence, one must have good knowledge of these measures. This article discusses such measures and their importance.

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Workplace safety is important for every company. There are numerous types of risks, and they are all grouped under the umbrella of workplace safety in general. Surprisingly, many businesses treat electrical safety as a distinct issue. Some people are perplexed as to why electrical safety is so important and why it receives so much attention. Some statistics and data may provide some insight into what makes electrical safety stand out among safety initiatives. Here are some reasons why electrical safety is important.

  1. Decreases Injuries and Accidents

Many professional electricians receive electrical shocks or are otherwise wounded while working. While the majority of them were mild jolts, they demonstrate how frequently they occur. Each year, electrocutions cause a considerable number of employees to become disabled. Every year, people are made unable to work as a result of this.

  1. Cuts Down Total Operational Costs

A significant electrical burn can cost over $4 million in medical expenditures and take years to heal. Medical bills aren’t the only cost associated with electrical malfunctions. These accidents can result in fires, equipment damage, and other problems. Electric outages cost American businesses $14.6 billion in a single year.

  1. Knowledge of Safety Measures Helps In Quick Response

During the time of emergency, the ability to respond quickly determines the successful execution of safety procedures. Having a basic knowledge of electrical safety measures and having an idea of why they occur help in taking preventive measures. 

Source: Unsplash

Electrical Safety Measures

The best thing you can do to ensure the safety of your family is to become familiar with the electrical system. You should be aware of the electric panel’s manufacturer, the operation of your breakers, and the age of your wiring. All of these factors can assist you in making safer and more informed decisions for your house in the future. Here are some of the tips to keep you and your family safe from electrical hazards.

  1. Keep Outlets Away From Water

The combination of water and power is not a winning one. Water should be kept as far away as possible from all of your outlets. This is especially true in the case of non GFCI outlets. Keep in mind that any outlet near water (including those in the kitchen and bathroom) must be GFCI protected according to current rules. It is recommended to call an electrician in case of any emergency involving water and electricity.

To protect your household and industrial components from external factors like water and heat, you should use an ul listed enclosure, because enclosures could be waterproof and keep your electrical device from damage. 

  1. Put On Safety Gear While Working

When working with electricity, you must always wear the proper safety equipment. Goggles, insulated gloves, sleeves, hoods, blankets, line hoses, and non-conducting hard helmets are all standard personal protection equipment. This equipment, like your tools, should be inspected before each use and discarded or repaired if it is not serviceable.

  1. Do Not Come in Contact With an Electrocuted Person

It is not advisable to come in contact with a friend who has been electrocuted or burned by electricity. However, keep in mind that the body acts as a conductor. If you come into contact with someone who is being electrocuted, the current will pass through your body and endanger both of you.

First, turn off the main power source, then dial 911 or emergency assistance. If you know CPR, you can begin treating the patient while waiting for an ambulance.

If you are unable to switch off the power, remove the person from a non-conductive material, such as wood or plastic.

  1. Replace Damaged Extensions

Some people feel that they should use their power cords until they are no longer functional. Despite the exposed wires on the sides, many individuals will continue to plug these connections in. These exposed wires should be taped up with insulated electrical tape or unplugged as soon as feasible. 

Because electrical fires or shocks can also occur from exposed wiring. Power lines that have been damaged should be replaced as soon as feasible.

  1. Avoid Overloading

Avoid overloading a single outlet at all costs. Electrical outlets are designed for supplying a limited amount of energy. Using multiple high-wattage appliances in the same outlet can be dangerous. If you can’t move your appliances to various outlets and connectors, consider adding a new outlet to relieve some of the strain on the existing one.

If not done correctly, electrical work can be dangerous. It is recommended to call electricians to carry out these tasks. They are professionally trained and have years of job experience. When doing your own electrical work, use caution. Hire a reputable service to ensure that all of your home’s electrical systems are safe, up to code, and functioning properly.


This article mentioned five important electrical safety measures that an individual should know about. Having information about electrical safety can prevent many accidents and help you in taking basic precautions at your home or workplace.

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