There’s often a period of time for any small business where you don’t make a great deal of money. It’s sort of an expected part of the process, which is why so many people start their business alongside their paid work or save up a lot of money before getting started.
It’s crucial that you learn how to market on a tight budget because it’s the only way you’re going to get through not making much money to being the owner of a thriving and lucrative small business.
Social media
It almost goes without saying that social media is one of the most effective tools at your disposal. If you can target your content at your audience, you can create engagement without spending a penny (other than the time it takes to create your posts!).
The key to effective social media content is knowing your audience. Be sure to create content that is genuinely valuable to them in some way, and you’ll be able to grow your following.
It’s also important to make the most of the comments section. Pay attention to what your followers are telling you and use it as a feedback mechanism. It’s also important to engage with people in the comments section in order to build a relationship with them.
Email newsletter
Creating an email newsletter is a great way to keep your customers engaged with your website and also to promote new offers and services.
Similarly to social media, the key to a successful email newsletter is adding value for your subscribers. They will unsubscribe if they find that you’re emailing them with things that aren’t interesting to them or if they think that your newsletter is overly promotional.
The occasional promotion is OK, of course, just don’t overdo it!
Optimize your website
Optimizing your website means that you are likely to rank more highly in search engine results, which means that you are likely to get more people to discover it!
The key to optimizing your website is operating within a clear niche. Only publish content that is relevant to your target customer and your business, and be sure that you’re using the right keywords accordingly.
By keeping your website concise, search engines can tell what your business is more easily and rank you more highly. Plus, people don’t want to have to read through pages of content to find the information that they’re looking for!
‘Lumpy’ advertising
A traditional marketing tactic that’s still effective, lumpy advertising means promoting your business using a physical object.
A fantastic example of something that could be used for lumpy advertising is a custom magic 8 ball. Everyone remembers magic 8 balls from when they were children, and it’s something that would evoke happy memories for most people. Pair this up with your company logo, and you’re onto a winner!
Local media
If you are trying to attract a clientele in your local area, then your local newspaper is a great place to advertise.
You can use your local newspaper to connect with people in your area, which is particularly effective if you can pitch a story where your business is getting involved in a local cause or event.