The constellation of hops utilized here by Deep Ellum (Simcoe, Idaho 7 and Amarillo) establishes a unique flavor for this hazy IPA. Bountiful amounts of orange and apricot hit imbibers after the first taste hits their lips. Lemony esters build up and highlight the hoppiness of Lateral Haze. As the beer continues to warm to a temperature closer to that of a cooler fall night here in Arkansas, some of the fruitier and pinier elements begin to take a backseat. At this point, Lateral Haze gradually begins to adopt more malty and wheat-heavy. What’s surprising to me is how well this IPA’s 7.5% ABV is hidden. The flavor profile of Lateral Haze ensures that all of the elements seem balanced.
Lateral Haze is one of those crossover brews that will appease a considerable fraction of beer aficionados whether it be novices to hoppier styles or those with palettes that have been toasted through years of hitting up the most assertive hop-heavy efforts that breweries have to offer. While it has a bit more of a kick to it than your typical lawnmower beer, Lateral Haze nevertheless has a smoothness in its mouthfeel and enough variation present throughout each pour that people will come back for more.
For additional information concerning the entire product line that Deep Ellum offers, give their website a spin. Further information about their seasonal offerings and news about the brewery itself can be located on their main domain. Let us know what you think about Lateral Haze; the brew’s currently available in can. Make sure to pick it up before the winter encroaches too far into the year.
Rating: 8.6/10
Lateral Haze (Deep Ellum Brewing) / 7.5% ABV / 25 IBU / Domain / Facebook /