Posted on: December 8, 2022 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

In Illinois, drug addiction (specifically opioid misuse) is a growing crisis. In 2020, opioid overdose deaths among Illinois residents increased by 32.7% from 2,219 deaths in 2019 to 2,944 deaths in 2020. This increase highlights the need for improved drug addiction treatment options, prevention strategies, and public health interventions to address this epidemic.

Data indicates racial disparities with non-Hispanic Black or African American populations continuing to be disproportionally affected by opioids. There have been nearly five times as many people of color affected by opioid overdoses than individuals that are white or considered non-Hispanic. Interestingly as well, males seem to be disproportionally affected as they made up 72.4% of all opioid overdose ER visits. In response to this, drug addiction services are aiming to create programs and initiatives that focus on reducing the negative effects of drug use throughout these communities.

How to Recognize Opioid Addiction and Overdose

It’s important to recognize the signs of drug addiction in order to be aware and intervene with help if necessary. Some indicators of drug use are drowsiness, pinpoint pupils, constipation, nausea, and vomiting, changes in body temperature,  or changes in appetite. If a drug overdose is suspected it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Signs of an opioid overdose include shallow or stopped breathing, blue-tinted skin or lips, a slowed heart rate, unresponsiveness, and loss of consciousness.

In addition to recognizing the signs of drug addiction and overdose, it is also essential to become informed on how best to prevent drug use from occurring. Communities can create programs that increase public awareness around drug misuse while providing resources It is important for those suffering from drug addiction to recognize that they are not alone and that there is help available. Local drug addiction centers provide access to resources such as counseling and accredited addiction treatment programs.

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