Social Lube, a Hazy India Pale Ale from Ohio’s Sixth Sense Brewing Co., pours with a vibrant yellow coloration and a fair amount of white head. Lacing makes its way down the glass, while the initial nose of Social Lube brings astringent notes along with just a bit of wheat. There is a balance between the more bitter hop notes with juicier and fruit-forward flavors. The beer succeeds because of its blend of Galaxy. Nelson Sauvin, Simcoe and Vic Secret hops; the dense array of flavors that come forth during the space of a 16 ounce can ensure that one is as excited with the brew at the end as they were when they initially cracked it.
I appreciate the way that Social Lube shifts in overall mouthfeel and taste profile as it continues to reach room tempurature. The sharper hop notes take a back seat, allowing for sweeter, apricot-meets-grapefruit flavors to bubble to the fore. The ale maintains its hoppiness throughout, acting as a way for an imbiber to keep their palettes continually refreshed. This hazy IPA would work well with strongly-favored fare (e.g. curries, BBQ) as well as any sort of greasy or fried vice that one may have. Sixth Sense has made their Social Lube fit well into the hazy IPA style without veering too heavily either into a West Coast type of IPA or the juice-bombs that east coast breweries pump out on the regular.
If you’ve had the opportunity to visit Sixth Sense or have one of their beers, leave a comment and let us know what your impressions are. Check out their domain for a full list of their brews or their social media for listings of new offerings and upcoming events.
Rating: 8.8/10
Social Lube Hazy IPA / 2023 / Sixth Sense Brewing Company / Jackson, Ohio / 6.8% ABV / 62 IBU / Instagram / Twitter / Domain /
[…] We previously covered Sixth Sense’s Social Lube. […]