Posted on: August 12, 2023 Posted by: Aaron_George Comments: 0

It is safe to say that being in a long-term relationship is hard work. After all, there are reasons why there are courses that have been designed by relationship experts to help those who have been together for a long time.

Couples who have been together for over two years often find that one of the areas that begin to stagnate is their bedroom activity. Why? Well, because you become familiar with the person you are with and therefore, it is only natural to get a bit bored. Of course, it isn’t all bad news, and there are lots of things you can try to add the spark back into your bedroom.

So, here is a quick guide for couples who want to try something new in the bedroom.


Starting with something that many people have heard of and may giggle about when they hear, BDSM is an interesting area, and it doesn’t have to involve tying somebody up or spanking them. Depending on the area that you want to get into, this can involve everything from handcuffs to taking a BDSM course with your partner.

A Bit of Toy Play

Sex toys are also a great thing to add to your bedroom repertoire and can also allow you to learn more about your body and your partners. The even better news is that if you are somebody who is of a nervous disposition, you can do your toy shopping online, which will offer discreet delivery and a lot of fun at home without having to walk into a sex shop.

A Bit of Dressing Up

Dressing up in the bedroom is another way to spice things up, and it doesn’t always have to be a French maid outfit. You could dress up as your partner’s favorite cartoon character who they also find sexually attractive (Jessica Rabbit is a good example if you can pull it off), or you could even dress up as one of the lesser-known fetishes, such as a nerd or even a firefighter.

A Bit of Experimental Sex

Experimental sex can really be fun and can also give you a different perspective on your body. This can involve trying new positions, as well as having sex in new places, provided that you will not break the law. So, it can be worth investing in sex books such as the Kama Sutra and trying to engage in sexual activity in different rooms in your home.

A Bit of Food Sex

Food sex is a very fun one and can certainly bring giggles into the bedroom. The typical options involve whipped cream but many sex shops will also sell chocolate body gel, and you can even add some fruits to the game if you want to. In most cases, you don’t want the food to be too hot or hard, and you want it to be lickable! So, have fun with chocolate spread, whipped cream, and some honey!

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