Posted on: August 2, 2023 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1

Greg Hoy’s “Comfort Vendetta” immediately starts with a bit of math-rocdk fuzz (imagine The Red Hot Valentines meets Weezer). The vocals immediately light up the single, working alongside the aforementioned instrumentation to push each side to new heights. Comfort Vendetta’s chorus has the act go all-in, making for a section that fans will be singing along with after a few short plays. This is a track that could work well at any point of the last thirty years, and represents something different enough from what is currently being placed on heavy rotation that it will turn heads. One of our favorite tracks of the summer.

We previously covered Greg Hoy & The Boys’ Everybody Wants to Be SomebodyJet Black, Get Back and Demons at Night.

Greg Hoy “Comfort Vendetta” / 2023 / Domain / Bandcamp / Twitter / Youtube /

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