Posted on: June 23, 2024 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Botanical Violence is the first track on Goblin Smut’s introductory release, Flea Market of Love. The extended play begins with a breakneck speed and looops in furioursly-fired-out vocals, sizzling guitar work, and splushy drums before moving into a sludgier groove that has swirling eddys of guitar/drum arrangements. It’s surprising how much the band is able to pack into the space of 100 seconds. This introduction will keep listeners firmly on the edges of their seats as Lawn & Order begins.Lawn & Order’s drums set the stage for the track. There’s a deliberate grungy, dirty sound that works well in providing the vox with ample highlighting. What’s impressive about the EP is how clean the production ends up being. There’s distortion and fury a-plenty, but the production of each effort on Flea Market of Love ensures the constituent elements ample time to shine.

Life At A Cost has a bit more of a thrash sound to it; I’m hearing a bit of Krupted Peasant Farmers here even as Goblin Smut vibes out with some decidedly 1980s metal influences.

Corpse of Bureacracy is a must-listen on Flea Market of Love. The guitars bounce off the vocals as each clamor for importance, while the song is given a bit more bass at the bottom. We’ll be playing this one through the summer. How Low Will the Sun Go? is pure chaos as the act shows off their ability to whip up a pit as well as to stop on a dime before moving into the next section.

Dust Bunnies is the longest track on the Flea Market of Love EP; the additional time gives the band the ability to showcase different sounds and influences. I’d imagine this is the “preview” for what Goblin Smut will come out with for a subsequent recording more than anything. Of particular note during the track is the deliberate groove that is generated during the single’s bridge. Nilbog ends the Flea Market of Love with a bit of a Vincent Price-styled horror coda.

Check out the Goblin Smut Bandcamp if you’d like to sample the EP or want to purchase your own copy of the band’s record. Drop a comment with your thoughts about their release below.

Top Tracks: Botanical Violence, How Low Will the Sun Go?

Goblin Smut – ‘Flea Market of Love’ 7″ EP / 2024 Self Released / 7 Tracks / Instagram / Bandcamp

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