One of the things that we have continually had to deal with since we purchased an old house. At the beginning of things, it looked like we would be able to avoid many of the big money sinks that we have heard about. Over the last three years of owning the house, here is a brief list of the most major plumbing fixes that we’ve had to conduct.
Running Toilets are No Joke
Pretty much anyone that has paid any bit of attention to their toilet has had a situation where the water continues to run even after they have flushed their toilet. While it may be sufficient to wiggle the handle, many causes of water running are those that are out of the skillset of a great many homeowners. Left untreated, some of the situations that cause toilets to run could snowball into house problems that would put people out a great many thousands of dollars.
Hair’s everywhere, and it clogs everything!
My child has long hair, and they constantly leave clogs in the shower and the sink drain. The drain cleaner Calgary is one of those easiest ways around those problems, as the work to take away hair from a p-trap or other pipe is super annoying. If these sort of problems are not ameliorated in a short fashion, they could lead to a situation where one’s floors are damaged, their foundations are ruined, and they could end up being in some pretty hot water with their city or county. It is the smartest bet to get someone to visit, such as a drain cleaning service Calgary, and really get at the root cause of the situation that is causing such consternation.
A busted wax ring will do it every time
One’s toilet gets a lot of crap, literally and figuratively. Even though a toilet looks pristine with only a small amount of work, there are things living under the surface that can go wonky quite easily. The wax ring that the toilet sits on can start to decay. If this occurs, then water can seep into a basement or into a crawlspace. If that happens, it is just a matter of time before the situation can become dire. This means that flooring can become rotten, that wild animals could start living in a crawlspace, and in the worst case scenario, the whole bottom of the house can fall out.
Concluding Thoughts
Owning your house is amazing. It’s just the upkeep that ends up being the worst part of it. Do your due diligence and locate the proper plumber for you, and get them on the phone whenever things go south in your commode. I know I’ll be calling mine up as I’ve had a serious hankering for some posterior splasherin’ with a bidet, and I have absolutely no idea about how to go about installing the new toilet and making sure that the water pressure is at the right amount for my tookus. What other sort of problems have you encountered that were only able to be solved with a plumber?