Posted on: December 9, 2024 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

On Rain, Xavier Toscano starts things in a more delicate and slower fashion. Rain is repleate with the titular item and emotive synthesizers. The song is more R&B meets pop than straight dance. The instrumental interludes that are present at points during Rain do much to vary the overall feeling of this single. With both Rain’s arrangement as well as Xavier’s vocals being allowed to shine as singular entites as well as together in a cogent style, the song ends up having something for everyone to sink their teeth into. As the years go on, I feel that we’re seeing Xavier Toscano evolve and change. This has been consistent over time and ensures that each subsequent work we hear from the performer is a must-listen.

We’ve covered Xavier Toscano’s music fairly frequently over the years, and have written about his The City Said, Boom Boom (Goes My Heart),  The Remedy (Feel Alright)RunawayNever Wanna Leave, and his Feels So Good CD.

Xavier Toscano “Rain” / 2024 Self Released / 3:07 / Domain / Youtube / Facebook / Instagram / TikTok

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