Posted on: November 25, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0


Jupiter, It Won’t Be Long begins with I Don’t Really Wanna Go To College, a track that provides listeners with some semblance of the styles and approaches which Cassata will broach throughout this effort. Liberation is a track that touches upon the work of Contravene, The Devil Is Electric, and even Defiance, Ohio. There is a certain catchiness present to this effort that will make this a good fit for radio rotation. The tracks on Jupiter, It Won’t Be Long shine not only because of the solid vocals that are interspersed throughout, but also due to the rich production that allows each instrument and vocal element to shine brightly and as a whole. Dear Lucas is a track that stands at the juncture of punk and country; the rich folk and emotive elements make this into one of many must-listen tracks that are present on Jupiter, It Won’t Be Long.

Tell His Old Man is a much more dark and emotive track that builds off of the tremendous library of blues, infusing the time-tested trope with a much-needed boost of vitality. The Mob’s Rolling Cadillac showcases that Cassata’s efforts on Jupiter, It Won’t Be Long do not diminish. Listeners should be confident that they can put on the album at any point and find a heartfelt and impressive opus. Make sure to find out more information about Cassata at ; the website provides all the information (music, pictures, and a store) that interested individuals may need.

Top Tracks: Jupiter, It Won’t Be Long, Tell His Old Man

Rating: 9.0/10

Ryan Cassata – Jupiter, It Won’t Be Long The Acoustic Sessions, Vol. 3 CD  Review / 2013 Self / 8 Tracks /

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