Posted on: June 27, 2019 Posted by: Akesh21 Comments: 0

Each day in the United States, more than 130 people die due to opioid overdose. The overdose is a social and economic liability. The government has to spend around $ 78.5 billion per year on the same.

The problem is even intense to the drug abuser. Addiction to opioid can cause sedation, physical dependence, dizziness, depression, among others. Thanks to science and technology, addiction and overdose are possible to reverse using suboxone.

You don’t have to run scared if you’re a victim of opioid addiction.

Do you want to know what is suboxone and what is it used for? Read on to learn more.

What is Suboxone and What Is it Used For?

If you’re new to the term Suboxone, you’re probably wondering what is that? It’s not as complex as it sounds.

Suboxone is a drug brand name for a prescription medication given to patients suffering from opioid addiction or overdose. The drug contains two main ingredients:

  • Buprenorphine: It’s a partial opioid agonist. The part blocks opiate receptors and reduces the urge to consume the drug.
  • Naloxone: The ingredient helps reverse the effects of opioids.

Combinations of the ingredients work magic to treat opioid addiction.

Uses of Suboxone

The Food and Drugs Administration approves the drug for the treatment of several conditions. You must be curious about the various conditions.

  • Opioid Dependence: It helps to reduce withdrawal symptoms when one reduces opioid consumption.
  • Suboxone for Withdrawal: Works as a detoxification program when treating opioid addiction.
  • Pain relieve: It’s not clear how well. People with chronic pain and opioid dependence attests to the drug reducing pain.
  • Depression: The ingredient Buprenorphine helps improve mood for people with depression

Note: Don’t take the drug without a doctor’s prescription. Also, if your doctor prescribes the drug, don’t overuse it. Long-term use can contribute to physical and psychological dependence.

Follow the prescription for the drug. The amount of Suboxone prescription depends on;

  • Stage of treatment
  • Other health conditions
  • The severity of opioid dependence.

Read more about Suboxone and its various treatment plan.

Suboxone vs. Subutex

The terms sound almost alike, don’t they? Both drugs treat opioid dependence. So, what’s the difference between Suboxone and Subutex?

The primary difference is that Suboxone contains naloxone. It helps users from Suboxone addiction. If your doctor recommends either of the drugs, use them without interchanging them.

Follow prescriptions to avoid adverse side effects of the drugs.

Administration of Suboxone

Depending on the doctor’s prescriptions, the drugs can be in film or table form. If you’re using film, place the medicine under your tongue.

Note: You shouldn’t chew or swallow the amount. Also, avoid talking with the Suboxone film in your mouth. Why?

It reduces the effect of the drug as the right amounts aren’t delivered. The interferences affect the absorption of the drug.

Wrap Up

Do you or your friend have a problem of opioid addiction? You’ve probably come across all possible advice including use of suboxone. Still wondering what is Suboxone and what is it used for?

The drug helps treat opioid addiction and improve your health condition. Get a medical prescription to enjoy the benefits of the drug.

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