Posted on: June 21, 2013 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Its almost like Scott Stapp has came and started playing with the rest of 311 – at least, that’s what the first track, “Save the Fool” sounds most similar to. The interesting drum arrangements on “Save the Fool” look back to the long list of genre-bending bands like Janes Addiction and Crazy Town for inspiration, and while the track is fairly versed in the mainstream, it enjoys much greater agency than a number of mainstream rock bands would. The continual shifting through genre, whether it be the almost Zach De La Rocha-esque vocal delivery during the bridge or the stutter-step assault with the drums, is one of Sucka Brown’s strongest suits. The slowed-down tempo of “Gravity My Enemy” shows exactly how important the idea of title is to the band – the gravity of the track holds them down and makes what could really be an enjoyable track into one that plods on and is on the slightly tedious side. As usual, the mastering of “Gravity My Enemy” is impeccable, with the finished product being something like the average fair on pop-alternative and light-rock stations.

Finishing out their EP with a track in which the best factors of both of the previous tracks are both in force, “Appleseed” creates some dramatic tension and is almost brooding before the sharp guitar lines before the chorus kick in. The chorus on “Appleseed”” is a pefect example of how the previously-perfect mastering falls away and doesn’t caress the band’s sound as much as it needs to be. Instead, the production opens up and the guitar work on the track seems to reverberate willy-nilly through the entire track. Sucka Brown’s arrangement during the track is a little suspect as well – in a track where they’ve been building up for the inevitable climax, the penis that is represented by Sucka Brown’s music isputters its load all over itself in terms of the unused potential. If things were a little more tight, the tempo a little more removed from the slowish fare of the rest of the track, “Appleseed” would be a track for the ages. The laid-back nature of the band may allow for some different sounds and previously unseen arrangements, but cripples them at the money shot – if allowed to just tear up the rest of the track with a sizzling guitar solo, Todd would have catapulted the track to the next level. Keep an eye on Sucka Brown, though – their music is catchy, even if they take erroneous paths at times.

Top Track: “Save the Fool”

Rating: 6.4/10

Sucka Brown – Demo EP /  Self-Released / 3 Tracks / /

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