The chunky rock of Suffrajett that starts off their self-titled EP in “Mr.Man” is reminiscent of acts like Joan Jett, but also from the very loud and raucous female country singers of the last decade (such as Shania Twain). The production is very Spartan for this disc, showcasing the empty space more than the instrumentation of the disc. This creates some tension in the track, something that is only negated with the increased tempo of the second half of “Mr. Man”. The same sort of Spartanism in “Getcha Good” really showcases the small amount of instrumentation in the track, while simultaneously giving Simi the opportunity to largely dictate the flow of the track.
The fuzz of the guitars during the track is enough to be a mask over any possible weakness exhibited by the guitarist as well as recalling Soundgarden and all those sludgy, grungy acts of the early nineties (Alice in Chains, Soundgarden). Throwing a more contemplative track into the mix with the penultimate “Shake Your Heart”, Suffrajett really make a play for a large section of radio play. With a sound that mixes together Garbage, The Cranberries and The Cardigans (and even a hint of Sixpence None The Richer) during the track, the sedate strains of “Shake Your Heart” actually hide a heavyish brand of rock churning over the soulful musings of Simi. The track doe ssuffer from its extended track length and a lack of new material; the ending section of the track, which has the prim and proper sound of the band previously enjoyed during this track degenerating fixes this problem somewhat. Coming back into the rock section that is their domicile for most the tracks on the disc, Suffrajett uses punctual drum beats during “Tricky Love” to really give the track a fresh new energy.
There is much to chew on during this EP, and the different styles approached by Suffrajett during this disc and how well these genres are approached should bring a great number of listeners into their local music store to pick up the forthcoming full-length. With a straight-forward rock attack during “Tricky Love”, Suffrajett recalls both The Donnas and Sahara Hotnight, although coming up with a sound that is all their own. The multiple layers of vocals during the track gives Simi’s vocals a fullness that in turn pushes the track further into a collective memory, to never be forgotten.
Top Track: Tricky Love
Rating: 5.8/10
Suffrajett – Suffrajett EP / Giant Step / 5 Tracks / /