Posted on: April 27, 2014 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Stig C Miller, guitarist for legendary UK punk band AMEBIX, has posted a rough mix of a new solo track on his youtube page.

Composed in April 2014 and self-recorded in his home in Bristol UK, “I Go Dark” is the first new music we have heard from Stig since the reunited Amebix gave us the incredible “Sonic Mass” LP in September 2011.

Stig is currently working on an EP worth of material which he plans to release in the future, and while his signature sound is still present, don’t expect it to sound exactly like Amebix.  Stig comments while speaking with Blackout PR:  “The idea was to write some songs that were actually driven along by the sound of an acoustic guitar and add interesting sounds to it.  As Amebix a certain thing is expected, so it’s nice to go another way and do something on my own.”

Lyrically, Stig says “The inspiration would be my life up until this point, my development as a person.  It’s about having to hide certain aspects of yourself in order to survive.  People might relate to it as everyone has pain, and pain changes a person for the better if dealt with in a positive manner.”

No word yet on when the EP will be completed and released.  More info will be published as it becomes available.

You can listen to the song here:

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