Posted on: March 29, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

She Rides Moonlight is a tender track that touches upon an earlier musical tradition even as Nic Nassuet and featured vocalist Catrina Grimm create something that speaks to current styles of music. The deliberate composition that begins this track will have fans on the edges of their seats, making them eager to hear the narrative that Nassuet weaves through the composition.



The dynamic between the instrumental and the vocal elements during She Rides Moonlight pushes each into a higher plateau; the fluidity of this track makes for a much more compelling composition. The journey which Nic sends listeners is a fulfilling one; there are twists and turns taken here that will take a number of listens to fully appreciate. The ability to listen to She Rides Moonlight as an innocuous composition or as something deep and dense is up to the listeners and makes for a considerably different experience. It is precisely this quality that makes Nassuet such a compelling performer; the track’s mastering is sharp enough to make either decision a fulfilling one.

Perhaps the most impressive part of She Rides Moonlight has to be the vocal range expressed by Nic; from lows to highs, the Jim Morrison meets Geoff Tate aural finesse will stick with listeners long after the track ceases.

For the latest in information about Nassuet, make it a point to visit his Facebook; samples of She Rides Moonlight and his other tracks are available at his ReverbNation. Check NeuFutur in the following weeks to hear more about this unique and otherworldly singer, and visit our interview to be provided with a more detailed look into this performer.

Rating: 8.8/10

Nic Nassuet She Rides Moonlight Single Review / 2015 Self / 1 Track / / / /

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