Posted on: March 23, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Feels So Good is the latest album from San Francisco’s Xavier Toscano, a musician that creates his own unique flair by meshing together a wide array of musical styles and approaches. During the course of this 11 track magnum opus, Toscano is able to create something that is cohesive while showcasing a number of Toscano’s idiosyncracies.


Never Wanna Leave is a fuzzy, EDM-infused type of pop that takes up equal parts Depeche Mode and the Pet Shop Boys alongside Skrillex and Audien. The track sails high due to the intelligent arrangements and airy vocals that are weaved through the track. The Remedy (Feel Alright) is a hard-hitting, back and forth effort that stands at the juncture of pop and electronic music with a futuristic, metropolitan type of sound.

Watch Out It’s On is another high-water mark for Toscano; the slightly harder edge captured during this track links together Nine Inch Nails with LMFAO, making for a track that will get everyone on the dance floor. The momentum achieved during Never Wanna Leave continues throughout Feels So Good into You Make Me Feel Mighty Real.  You Make Me Feel Mighty Real is the penultimate track, allowing the jam to continue as Toscano begins to wind down the frenetic energy that courses through the album.

Make sure to visit Toscano’s website for additional information about the artist, samples of his music, and links to his social media accounts. If the strengths shown during this album are indicative of his future music, listeners should be picking up their very own copy of Feels So Good to see what Xavier contributes to pop music.

Top Tracks: The Remedy (Feel Alright), You Make Me Feel Mighty Real

Rating: 8.6/10

Xavier Toscano Feels So Good CD Review / 2015 Self / 11 Tracks / /

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