Worthy’s Lights Out stout pours with a dark brown to black color and a small amount of head that rapidly dissipates. Lights Out’s nose is a little sweet, a little malty, and has just a little sharpness present. The beer goes down extremely easily; there is a strong malt presence here that moderates some of the sweetness that is present in other beers in the style. There is a further dimension to Lights Out that ensures that one can open a few cans and stay interested; hints of dark fruit and cinnamon/clove can be picked out at points with this effort.
What is particularly impressive about Lights Out is that it has a higher ABV (7.7%) but tastes like a traditional (4-6%) stout. The bold set of flavors allows a variety of more delicate twists and turns to be present. While a great number of stouts wallop imbibers over the head with sticky sweetness and boatloads of malt, Lights Out stays interesting from beginning to end. This beer would be a great trade-up for those familiar with extra stouts currently on the market or those that typically delve into imperial stouts. The beer is able to keep its wide variety of flavors as it warms; as the beer approaches room temperature, the malt backbone stays strong and the beer becomes a little more dry. The refreshing of one’s palette with each subsequent sip means that one will be able to finish Lights Out quickly.
Worthy Brewing’s efforts are available in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and in various locations in Vermont and British Columbia. For additional information about the brewery’s year-round and seasonal efforts, visit WorthyBrewing.com . More up-to-date information about the brewery, new releases, and additional availability can be found on the Worthy Brewing Twitter or Facebook.
Rating: 9.0/10
Lights Out Vanilla Cream Extra Stout / 7.7% ABV / Stout / http://www.worthybrewing.com / http://www.worthybrewing.com/worthy-beer.html / https://www.facebook.com/WorthyBrewingCo / https://twitter.com/WorthyBrewing /
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