Let It Shine has Rick Elliot create a country track that would work perfectly in the 1990s and today. There is a churning, rumbling instrumentation that keeps the tempo high as Elliot’s vocals boldly issue forth.
The thick bass line, sizzling guitars, and vocal assault make Let It Shine into a honky-tonk assault. By drawing on the earlier country styles, there is a timeless sound to this single that will have any fan of the style loving the song. Keep an eye on Elliot’s Facebook for the latest information about his upcoming album, which is slated to come out later in 2015.
Rating: 8.5/10
Rick Elliot Let It Shine Single Review / 2015 / http://rickelliotmusic.com/ / https://www.facebook.com/RickElliotMusic / https://twitter.com/rickelliotmusic /