Posted on: May 3, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Nothing’s Out Of Reach is the first track on Matthew Charles’ Roam and it ties together Crimpshrine, Defiance, Ohio and hints of Against Me! into a frenetic track that straddles the line between folk and punk. While this introductory track is only a hair above two minutes, there simply is a lot of material for listeners to digest. As a result, the energy that listeners have when they move into Reliance is high. Reliance has little more to the track than guitars and a bit of jangliness, but the sheer passion of Charles’ vocals and the backing singers here will tattoo the melodies created by this effort deep into the minds of listeners.

a3889000112_10The titular track on Roam has a very homespun type of sound and tells more with the effort’s introductory guitar work than many bands are able to do with a full-length track. When Charles’ vocals begin, the tempo and overall sound of the effort changes; hints of Tim Armstrong and Justin Sane (Anti-Flag) can be picked out here, while the backing vocals this time feel inspired by “Bro Hymn”-era Pennywise.

Chain Reaction is one of the most full tracks on Roam, and I feel the inclusion of different instrumental elements here represent fertile soil for subsequent Matthew Charles tracks. This release ends with a one-two punch in Young Boy and Let It Go. Young Boy has a catchiness that is unparalleled on this album with rapid tempo and stylistic changes, while Let It Go provides an emphatic conclusion to this stellar release. For additional information about Matthew Charles, check out his Tumblr or Bandcamp.

Top Tracks: Nothing’s Out of Reach, Living in the Past

Rating: 9.0/10

Matthew Charles Roam CD Review / 2014 Self / 7 Tracks / /

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