Posted on: May 3, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

Girl From California is a feel-good sort of pop-rock that takes equal parts seventies rock, funk, soul, and an easy-going sound and makes them something that will work on current radio stations. The infectious harmonies created by Ian and the Dream will stick with listeners long after their album has ceased; this is one of the first albums that we have heard in 2015 that makes it seem as if summer is coming and that cold Ohio nights may be in the real-view.a4091799061_10

Steppin’ On My Shoes has a laid-back sound that soars on the back of a ska / reggae set of drums and a smart set of instrumentation that allows the drums and guitars to work together in harmony. There is a bass line that adds a considerable amount of fullness to this composition, further bolstering the overall momentum of California Cauliflower.

Wind Up When It’s Done has Ian and the Dream take on a mid-nineties and oughts alternative style, linking together acts as diverse as Weezer and OK Go. As always, the band is able to insert their own inimitable style into the composition. I’ve Got You Where I Want You is a chiaroscuro of the band’s immaculate arrangements and a more dirty, rock-tinged fuzz that showcases that Ian and the Dream have a number of tricks in their bag, even at the later registers of California Cauliflower.

Make it a point to visit Ian and the Dream’s Facebook and Twitter for additional information about California Cauliflower and the band’s latest news. Interested individuals can hear samples from the album from the act’s Youtube  or Bandcamp.

Top Tracks: I’ve Got You Where I Want You, Wind Up When It’s Done

Rating: 8.5/10

Ian and the Dream California Cauliflower CD Review / 2014 Self / 13 Tracks / / /


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