Posted on: November 1, 2015 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 1

Smuttynose has released a number of iterations of their short weisse style, including their blueberry, smoked peach, and unfruited variants. The Cherry Short Weisse is their current version, and the beer is wheaty, presenting tangy alongside yeasty notes.There is an immediately-dissipating head to the Cherry Short Weisse. 


The beer pours with a melon/salmon pink color and a decent amount of effervescence. This short weisse’s flavor profile comes upon the palette immediately, provides refreshing tartness with a smaller amount of sweetness, and leaves as quickly as its onset. This beer would do well when paired with fish, chicken, or fruitier cheeses. Pegging this beer at a lower ABV (5.2%) makes the effort go down without any sort of effort; an $8 pint can be dispatched in twenty or thirty minutes. Smuttlabs’ latest is able to remain coherent as it continues to warm to room temperature; hints of malt and wheat come forth at later sips to keep imbibers just as interested in the last sips of their Cherry Short Weisse as they were when they originally opened the beer. Eminently drinkable with a wide variety and twists and turns present, this weissbier is something that anyone that is a fan of the varied sour styles, ciders, or even radlers can appreciate. It is incredibly versatile without being dumbed down, and this Cherry Short Weisse is one of the favorite beers we’ve reviewed this year.

Over the last few years, we have covered a number of the different Smuttynose beers, including their Imperial StoutHayseedRhye IPAParadoXReally Old Dog,DurtyKindest Find, Oktoberfest  and Bouncy House. For more information about the brewery and their full beer line-up, visit their website. Smuttynose’s social media accounts are perfect if one wants to keep up to date regarding new beers and events.

Rating: 9.0/10

Cherry Short Weisse / Smuttynose / 5.1% ABV / /  / /

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