Smuttynose’s latest effort in their Big Beer Series, Kindest Find, pours with a dark red coloration and a light brown/tannish head that laces its way down the glass. The 9.0% ABV is hidden well here, where there is a deft blend of hops and malt that make for something that bursts with flavor. There are hints of dark fruits and roasted malt that are moderated by a strong hop flavor. The hops in Kindest Find pop with citrus and piney notes, adding a further level of complexity to the beer.
As Kindest Find continues to warm, there is a sweeter and spicier set of flavors that become more common. Hints of allspice and cinnamon become prevalent as the slight bit of hop that remains represent a cleansing to imbiber’s palettes. The toasty aspect of Kindest Find comes into focus at this point, establishing enough of a different experience that individuals will be able to finish the beer with the same sort of excitement in which they started. The specific array of flavors that come forth as the beer continues to warm make for a continually scintillating effort. The 22 ounce size means that one should be well-set for the night or would be able to share the unparalleled experience of this latest effort in the Big Beer Series.
Smuttynose has ample information about their year-round and seasonal offerings available at their domain, while their social media accounts are updated continually through the week with the latest in events and news. We have reviewed a number of Smuttynose efforts in the past; visit our beer review section for insights about past and present Smuttynose brews, including their Imperial Stout, Hayseed, Rhye IPA, ParadoX, Really Old Dog, Durty, and Bouncy House.
Rating: 9.0/10
Kindest Find / Smuttynose / Big Beer Series / 9.0% ABV / http://www.smuttynose.com / https://twitter.com/smuttynosebeer / https://www.facebook.com/Smuttynose / https://instagram.com/smuttynosebeer/ /
[…] few years, including their Imperial Stout, Hayseed, Rhye IPA, ParadoX, Really Old Dog,Durty, Kindest Find and Bouncy House. The brewery’s website is perfect for anyone that wishes to learn more about […]
[…] beers, including their Imperial Stout, Hayseed, Rhye IPA, ParadoX, Really Old Dog,Durty, Kindest Find, Oktoberfest and Bouncy House. For more information about the brewery and their full beer […]
[…] Peach Short Weisse, Imperial Stout, Hayseed, Rhye IPA, ParadoX, Really Old Dog,Durty, Kindest Find, Oktoberfest, Bouncy House and Cherry Short […]