Don’t be worried that their band name sounds like the title of an Adult Swim show, Curse of Lono have just turned in a shockingly sweet debut that is equal parts Teenage Fanclub and a gothic Big Star. Together for just a year, the London-based five piece put out a dark, smart soundscape that seems like a soundtrack to a Tom Waits’ dream. In fact, the four-songs on this self-titled EP are actually the backing music to a short film directed by Alex Walker.
The four tracks move seamlessly from one to another for a perfect, dreamy collection of Americana. Their label is putting this one out as a download or 12” vinyl. Leave it to a British collective to turn in one of the year’s best collections of Southern gothic tunes.
Curse of Lono – Curse of Lono EP / 4 tracks / Submarine Cat Records / 2016 / http://www.curseoflonoband.com/ / https://www.facebook.com/curseoflonoband/