Competitive sports are a great way to get into shape, have some fun and make new friends. If you want to play a competitive sport, but there is nowhere to do so nearby, it might be worth considering starting your own club. It can be a large responsibility but starting a sports club can also be incredibly rewarding and particularly when it begins to grow, and you start to perform well as a team. It can be daunting initially as you will want to attract as many people as possible, so here is some advice for starting out and attracting new members.
Ask Around
First, you should ask around to see if there is much demand in the local area for a sports club – you might find that there is a community of people who play regularly but in an unorganized fashion. Ask friends, family, and colleagues if they, or somebody that they know, would be interested in joining a new club or checking out a Fender FA 100 Review. This will give you an idea of whether or not it is worth the time and energy.
Social Media
Once you have an idea of how many people might be interested, set up a Facebook page so that people can join, and you can begin discussions of setting up. This is one of social media’s biggest benefits as it allows you to grow a community out of thin air and all from the comfort of your own home. Once you have enough members, discuss sharing responsibilities and perhaps organize an informal game or meeting where you can meet face-to-face. This is where you can discuss a venue, training dates and times and delegate responsibilities, for example.
People like to feel like they belong to a club, so make sure that your team has an identity by coming up with a team name. This is the type of thing which is best done as a group so that you can put your heads together and come up with something fitting. See if one of your members is a graphic designer to come up with a logo or use the services of a professional. When you have a team name, colors, and a logo, consider getting uniforms and embroidered t-shirts made up. This is key in helping people to feel like they belong. This can be easily done at local promo product businesses, a search for embroidery Columbia SC, for example, would help you to find somewhere.
Collectively, you should figure out the various costs involved so that you know how much money to charge for membership. You will need to factor in the cost of using facilities, equipment, uniforms, referees and registration costs. You could also approach local businesses and look for sponsorship or hold fundraising events to inject cash into the organization.
Setting up a local sports team can be intimidating and particularly if you have no experience in this field, but it can also be incredibly rewarding and straightforward once you enlist the help of others. The above are all ways to get the ball rolling and attract members to your club. Once the club is up and running and you have entered a league, it can be much easier to maintain and especially if the responsibilities are shared amongst members.