Posted on: July 10, 2019 Posted by: Deiondre Comments: 0

Are you tired of your old or outdated furniture and decor? Redecorating doesn’t have to be costly or time-consuming, so if you think that you don’t have time or the budget for it, think again! There are a number of ways you can refresh and update your home without breaking the bank or spending a lot of time doing it. Here are some simple ways to redecorate and help you fall in love with your space again.

1. Paint the walls

The simplest and quickest way to update any room is with a coat of paint. The budget-friendly option is, of course, to head to the home improvement store, grab a can of paint, and spend a few hours doing it yourself. Choose a neutral color that will match your furnishings, but will also help brighten up the space. This way, your walls will remain stylish over longer periods of time, so you won’t have to keep updating the walls as trends come and go. However, if you have a more bold, adventurous taste, why not try a brighter color that’s in style? If you’re nervous about overdoing it, consider having an accent wall instead of painting the entire room one color.

2. Update your furniture

Replacing old, outdated furniture can do wonders for the style (and comfort!) of your room. You want your space to be inviting, and having the right pieces can make or break the whole room. If your wallet isn’t up for completely replacing the entire room, you could add one new modern piece from a shop like Luluna to add some flair to your decor. 

However, if you aren’t afraid of a little DIY, you can find older pieces and fix them up to make them look like new and match your other furniture. 

3. Add accent pieces

Anything new can help refresh your love for your space and get you excited about it again. Smaller items like rugs, wall art (like this from Instapainting) , shelving, or various coffee table knick-knacks can spruce up any space and add interest, so your room doesn’t seem bland or empty. Just be careful you don’t overdo it because too much can lead to clutter, which can stifle or smother the space.

4. Add greenery

Houseplants are trendy right now for a good reason, but they’re also a timeless way to decorate your home. Bringing the outdoors inside can help breathe new life into any room, from the bathroom to the living room. Even if that’s the only update you make to your decor; a houseplant can change the whole space. 

If you don’t fancy yourself much of a green thumb, you don’t need to shy away from indoor gardening. There are plenty of plants that are easy to care for, and some that even thrive on neglect. Plus, the more plants you successfully grow, the more confident and adventurous you’ll become with your indoor gardening. 

5. Clear out clutter

Cleaning up and clearing out junk can be just what your room needs to help it feel refreshed and new, without actually adding anything new. Especially if you have kids, the rooms in your home can feel smaller and less inviting when there’s clutter or junk lying around for the world to see. Do a bit of a clean-up, get rid of any unwanted items or junk, and re-organize what you want to keep, so it’s neat and tidy. 

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