Posted on: September 25, 2019 Posted by: Allene Lewis Comments: 0

Getting older is something that today’s generations are embracing much better than previous ones. We are beginning to understand that every age brings something new to the table and that living in the past isn’t flattering for anyone. So, as you enter your 30s it’s important to know how to transition the areas of your life, from your living space to the office and most importantly for going out and having fun. So, if you want to know how you can be an adult and have fun with your friends on a night out – here are some things to stick to.

Have a limit

Being a “party animal” wasn’t particularly endearing when you were a teenager and it most certainly isn’t a good look now. You need to know your limits in every aspect. The first and most important is drinking. Sure, having a drink on a night out is a good way to loosen up and relax. However, going overboard with it will only make you look sad to any passerby. While getting far too drunk can be considered a sign of immaturity in a teenager, you really don’t have any excuse. And secondly, you want to limit how much you party. Nobody is saying you can’t have fun, but going out to a club every other day is just not the way to do it. Consider staying in with friends or swapping out a night of clubbing for a dinner or a movie. It will actually make you enjoy the times you do go out way more and you’ll have a better time.

Get your look together

The words “dress your age” have often been misused, but there is some merit to them. Really what you should be thinking about is how you want people to perceive you when you go out. But it’s not as easy as “if I dress the same way I did when I was 20, people will think I’m 20”. If you dress in things you wore the previous decade, people will think that you are someone who doesn’t know how to be an adult and dress her age. Something more conservative won’t make you look “too old”, it will just make you look like you’re dressing responsibly and that your goal isn’t to attract as many gazing eyes, because you realize that that isn’t what matters. Instead of looking for party dresses, look for lovely chic evening dresses that don’t have to be long nor drab, but that will make you look your age. It’s also prime time to make your mind up on makeup. If you want to do it then learn proper ways to make yourself look good, and if you are rocking the bare-faced, natural look, then do it all the way and commit to a skincare routine that will make your skin look magical.

Quality over quantity

This can apply to many things, but let’s focus on two: the friend group and the events. As you grow up and leave your school life behind, you will notice your friend group shrinks drastically, as the people you were friends with just because you were seeing them every day find their own tribe. You don’t need to go out with ten people every time to have a good time. Going out with one friend to the club or having dinner with three friends will give you a great experience if the people you’re with are people you care for. And going out is pretty much the same: if you go out every night, chances are you can’t afford to have a really good time, whether it’s financially, emotionally or just energy-wise. Going out once per week or once every two weeks will ensure you choose your venue more carefully and invest in a really good night out rather than having a lot of forgettable ones.

Expand your horizons

When you’re young, you just go with the flow of your friends and spend your time doing similar things as them. However, as you grow older, you might want to start expanding your horizons farther than going to the club and having a pizza afterwards. Explore different kinds of art: theatre, poetry, music, painting and get familiar with institutions that nurture that. You don’t have to turn to boring old people who only go to art exhibits, but why not go see a fashion show instead of going to the club, or a theatre performance instead of the movies? You will not only find new things, but you will refine your palate and taste, growing your personality. And when friends come over, instead of popping some kernels in the microwave, pull out a cheeseboard or make an actual dish that you can all enjoy.

Getting older is not only something that will give you more options to grow and explore yourself and the world, but the experience of your life will give you a new view of the world with every passing year. So, keep changing and keep partying – just keep it classy!

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