4 billion people in the world use the Internet, almost half of them buy online, and the market for eCommerce is constantly growing. Therefore, for entrepreneurs to create and promote the site has long been a great way to expand their business and discover new ways of monetization.
Alas, but the vast majority of people who are faced with the desire to promote their business in the masses, or have no idea what is digital marketing (it is also digital marketing), or know superficially, or even incorrectly. Therefore, unscrupulous employees of digital-agencies may well take advantage of this and turn the customer’s ignorance in their favor.
But we will tell you in detail what kind of animal it is – digital marketing, and what its tools will allow your business to get more customers and orders.
What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing is a set of methods and measures to influence the consumer through digital communications. These are computers and laptops, tablets and radios, phones and more, through which people can communicate. You can also add offline channels and QR codes to the list of digital marketing tools. However, it is worth remembering that digital marketing is not suitable for direct selling. It aims to inform about products and increase brand recognition.
Digital marketing has an undeniable advantage – it is personalized treatment. Every potential and real customer needs a different approach, which means that the digital agency staff must learn everything about the customer – interests, tastes, preferences. Then you can move on to the process of information distribution, which consists of the following stages:
- Goal setting. No, these are not empty words and shaking the air. It is important for us to understand what exactly the client wants, in order to build up the mailing list correctly;
- Determine the sources for the mailing list. This could be, for example, search engines or social networks;
- The message is generated according to which distribution sources were chosen. For example, text to be published in Instagram will not be suitable for contextual advertising;
- Finally, the advertising campaign is launched according to the current trends of internet marketing; based on the first results – analysis and correction of advertising.
Digital-marketing: pros and cons
The advantages of this way of promoting your business are many, but the disadvantages, although present, are not irresistible. On the contrary, it will be easy to cope with them, so even the disadvantages can not be considered. But let’s talk about the pros.
- Thanks to digital marketing, a client can contact a wide range of their target audience and inform them as soon as possible;
- In digital marketing, feedback from customers is an important component, which allows you to constantly get first-hand information and make corrections because the results are monitored in real-time;
- Potential customers are affected, which involves them in the campaign and increases brand recognition, trust, and credibility;
- The previous, as well as the integrated approach to Internet marketing, lead to an improvement in the position among competitive companies, and thus to an increase in the number of clients, and they have an increase in sales.
- The audience becomes smaller due to the specifics of the product or service;
- Unscrupulous digital agencies can turn your advertising campaign into useless spam that will get lost in the environment of their own kind.
What tools are used in digital marketing?
First of all, it is worth distinguishing between online and offline space, because each of these areas has its own tools for successful implementation.
In online mode, information can be distributed as follows:
- Targeted advertising – social networks display ads that match the interests of users;
- Contextual advertising – in search engines, text ads are issued about products;
- Teaser ads – ads for cheaper products to be viewed and promoted;
- Media advertising – videos and images, whose function is to influence the emotions of users. This is the most suitable tool to increase brand awareness;
- SMM – work in social networks with potential customers to increase their loyalty to the customer;
- SEO-promotion – improving the quality of the site, which will be useful to users and meet the requirements of search engines (SEO Suite for your Magento eCommerce);
- Viral advertising – advertising aimed at maximizing the interest of users by making them click on themselves;
- Aggregators and marketplaces – platforms that track and compare offers from other firms;
- Email – a personalized appeal to the user via email;
- Crowd marketing – a reference publication that is distributed through forums;
- Content marketing – creating and promoting useful content;
- PR on the Internet – with the help of this tool, a product becomes recognizable on the web and its value is increased;
- Channels and chatbots in messengers – content is promoted in messaging applications;
- CPA – the customer receives a certain amount of traffic or clients by paying the advertiser;
- Push notifications – advertisements that appear in the form of notifications on the desktop or screen.
What should I focus on today?
The digital market has always been dynamic. All trends and developments are constantly changing. Thus, one of the latest changes is the introduction of Mobile First Indexing technology by Google (i.e. the primary focus on “mobility” and