Posted on: September 1, 2020 Posted by: Allene Lewis Comments: 0

Every year, cricket fans eagerly wait for the start of one of the biggest cricket extravaganza the entire world witnesses, the Indian Premier League or IPL. It is a popular Twenty20 cricket league which runs for several weeks and entices cricket fans all over the world.

The IPL has quickly become a popular favourite for cricket bettors to take advantage of. Weeks of matches come with a lot of potential, after all. If you’re keen to get involved with IPL betting online, this guide will provide you with some of the top tricks, tips and secrets which will help you to get started.

What is IPL?

The IPL tournament comprises 8 teams who go head-to-head for the largest prize in T20 cricket. Compared to other cricket tournaments, the IPL is quite new as it was established in 2008. The league stage of the 2020 IPL is played in a Double Round Robin format, meaning each of the eight teams will play each other twice. Each team will play once in their city (making them the home team) and another time in the home ground of their opponent (making them the away team). The top four teams to come out of these games will qualify for the playoffs, which will be made up of two qualifiers, an elimination round, and the final.

How to place a bet effectively?

Each day, the IPL provides you with lots of new opportunities to win. If you know how to bet properly, you can expect profit from your investment. You can gain an edge when it comes to online betting by undertaking the following steps:

Set a Betting Budget

Before you even begin analysing anything else, you should determine your betting budget at first. Knowing your limit is upfront will help you to bet safely and responsibly.

Look at Betting Odds

Once you have decided on a budget, you need to research the odds in play. You have to get pretty familiar with odds when betting online, as these figures will determine the probability and profit which comes with winning a bet.

Get to Know the Teams

Betting properly and profitability on the IPL involves a lot of research. Without proper analysis, your bets will be based on pure guesses and this rarely ends well. The main research should be about the teams playing in the league. You must focus on their strengths, weaknesses and their performances in previous tournaments.

Focus on the Key Players

There is a wide range of skilled players to bet on in the IPL tournament. Knowing who stands out from the crowd will increase your chances of making bets more profitable.

Take Advantage of IPL Live Betting

Live Betting lets you do in-play betting. It increases your chances of making a bigger profit. As the odds shift during a match, you can even decide to cash out early to make the most out of a profitable moment. Besides that, it also provides an exhilarating experience which will keep you engaged as the match progresses.

Top Betting Markets

The main betting markets include the Ultimate IPL Winner, which is a form of IPL daily match betting which lets you bet on the team that you think will win the match on that particular day. Other popular betting markets are the Top Team Batsman, Top IPL Bowler, winner of the coin toss, total wickets, total runs, total ducks, and total wides.

Final words

The IPL is a huge and fun tournament to bet on, which brings with it so many opportunities to make a profit. Those who can build up their knowledge of the IPL and the way it works can gain an edge over others, increasing their chances of winning big bets. Whether you want to get involved with pre-match betting or try your hand at in-play bets, there is a great range of cricket betting markets to explore, particularly during the online IPL betting season.

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