Posted on: September 24, 2020 Posted by: James McQuiston Comments: 0

It might be surprising, but I have not thought about purchasing a house up to this point in my life. It’s part of the reason (I suppose) why my ex and I did not work out, but I feel that it is getting to that point that I may want to dip my toe in the water. American Home Buyer indicates that the market is very supportive to potential buyers owing to a number of families deciding to downsize or move to different cities and states. I am pretty sure that the position that I am currently working at will have me for a few more years, so settling into a place where I can put in some serious upgrades would be a step that I want to take. Living down here in Arkansas, it seems as if people voluntarily builkd smaller houses to skimp out on electric bills. Coming from the north, it was not surprising to see houses routinely be two and (sometimes even) three stories. In the same way, southern domiciles rarely move into two stories.

What is different down here is how many different companies have heavy machinery. There are a number of firms that do oil and gas exploration, so places like Millennium Leasing would be able to make some serious bank even at affordable rental prices. What I really wish was more commonplace in the rural south would have to be places that could do large print runs of NeuFutur. Now, it has been a few years since we published a print issue, but the price point seems right to move back in to print. The cost of transport is down, the printing technologies continue to develop, and companies are falling over themselves to take more orders – learn more. 2021 is going to be a big year for us.

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